Celebrating 31 years of business

Categories for Living Space

Picking The Right Paint Color For Your Remodel

April 24, 2023

Picking The Right Paint Color For Your Remodel When it comes to picking the right paint color for your home remodel, the process can be overwhelming. Whether you’re choosing paint colors for a living room or a bedroom, take the time to think about what you want your space to feel like. Here are several tips that can help you make the best decision possible for your space. Warm Tones Warm hues evoke feelings of warmth and comfort. Warm colors are typically used to make larger spaces appear more intimate and cozy. They’re also helpful for making smaller rooms feel... View Article

Ways To Transform Your Living Space Using New Windows and Doors

February 20, 2023

Can windows transform your space or living area? The simple answer is yes. The key is finding the right window style that will transform your space and the look and feel of your home and favorite rooms. At The RockAway Company, we also offer a variety of windows to add beauty, elegance, and style to any room in your home. Windows are an often overlooked element in the design and decor aspects of our homes. Here is a look at a few ideas and ways to use windows to help transform or complete the look you want to create. Great... View Article

The RockAway Company