March 1, 2021 8:03 pm
Published by Writer
Remodeling a commercial space is more complicated than it sounds. You have to acquire permits, inspect the building and review the certificate of occupancy before construction workers are allowed to break ground. Here’s what you need to know before remodeling a commercial building in Fort Worth, TX. Read the certificate of occupancy A certificate of occupancy (CO) states how building owners can use the property. For example, the property you’re working with might function nicely as an office space or retail store, but not a restaurant. Before starting commercial renovations, make sure your project complies with the acceptable uses outlined... View Article
February 19, 2021 2:36 am
Published by Writer
If you are considering a major home renovation, the whole process can feel really overwhelming. It’s hard to know where to start with such a major project. If you’re thinking about investing in a home renovation—maybe you need to update an old-fashioned bathroom, or you are finally ready to make your dream kitchen a reality—here are the first steps in home renovation that you should consider as you move forward with your project in Fort Worth, TX. Do your research The very first step in home renovation should always be research. It’s important to know what’s out there before you... View Article
February 5, 2021 2:36 am
Published by Writer
The idea of spending the time and money to make renovations on your home right before you’re planning to move doesn’t ever sound appealing. If you’re going to go through all the inconvenience and expense of working on your home in Fort Worth, TX, whether it’s exterior repairs or an update for a room inside that has seen better days, you want to be able to enjoy the fruits of your labor. What’s the point of undergoing a renovation that you’re not going to be living in the house to enjoy? In fact, there are several benefits to renovating your... View Article
January 20, 2021 7:37 am
Published by Writer
If your home is aging, or if you have recently moved into your next home, a kitchen remodel is likely in order. But if you only have the time and money to complete one project, there is one feature of a kitchen that you likely use more than any other: the cabinets. The best way to refresh your kitchen is to simply upgrade your cabinets. But how do you choose the right ones? Follow these tips on choosing the best cabinets for your kitchen in Fort Worth, TX, and watch your space come to life. Consider the size and height... View Article
January 6, 2021 7:37 am
Published by Writer
Remodeling your home’s kitchen is exciting, but it’s also hard work. An extensive amount of research, time and hard labor goes into each upgrade. Because of this, projects are often extended longer than expected. To avoid excessive delays and come out the other side with a kitchen you can be proud of, follow these dos and don’ts of kitchen remodeling in Fort Worth, TX. You’ll soon see why it’s so important to do so. Do set clear expectations There are several reasons why you must set expectations upfront and resist wavering. First and foremost is that the cost of the... View Article