Should You Start in the Interior or Exterior When Doing Renovations?
If you are moving into a new home or want to improve an existing one, you may have the desire to complete a new renovation to the property. When you are looking to complete a renovation, you will have to decide whether to start with the interior or exterior of the home. If you are wondering should I start with an exterior or interior renovation, there are various factors to consider to determine which option is right for your situation.
Are You Adding Space
One of the factors to consider when you are looking to improve the property is if you are adding square footage to the home. Adding a new room or extending your footprint can be a great way to add more square footage and make your home more functional. If you are going to complete an extension of the property, it would be wise to complete the interior work first. If you improve the exterior work first, you may end up having to make alterations as you try to match the siding, roofing materials, and other improvements.
Moving Plumbing or Electrical
Another factor to consider when you are going to make both interior and exterior improvements is if you are going to move plumbing and electrical systems. If you move plumbing and electrical systems, it could require you to put holes in the exterior walls. It would be wise in these situations to complete the interior renovations first so you do not end up cutting into new exterior improvements, which would then need to be fixed and upgraded again.
Do You Need New Exterior Space?
One of the challenges with completing any home renovation is that it can make the interior of your home unlivable for a period of time. Due to this, you may want to be able to enjoy your outdoor living space more. When you complete a full renovation, improving the exterior first can make sense as it will allow you to enjoy the outdoor living space while the interior work is being completed.
When you are looking to complete a renovation of your property, it is common to ask is should you renovate your interior or exterior first. When you are trying to determine this, you can find that there is no right answer for all people. There are various factors to consider when determining whether you should complete the interior or exterior of the property first.
Categorised in: Exterior Remodeling, Interior Remodeling