Where Should You Start When Remodeling for Accessibility?
Reduced mobility is a challenging fact of life for millions of Americans. Some find joints and muscles aching as a result of advanced age. Others are thrust into the condition as a result of an accident or illness. Still more people deal with reduced mobility as a side effect of a lifelong condition.
Whatever the reason, if you or a loved one suffers from reduced mobility, there’s no need to endure an uncomfortable home environment. Here are some tips for starting out with accessibility remodeling in Fort Worth, TX.
Start with the plan
Before you break ground on any home remodels, be sure to consider two critical factors:
- Mobility level: What is the mobility level of the person you’re designing for? For example, if they use a wheelchair, you might consider starting your renovations by widening entrances. If they can stand but must endure limited physical ability, the bathroom is an excellent place to begin.
- Existing precautions: What are the existing accessibility options in the house? Are you designing from the ground up, or are you adding safety measures? Your starting point will vary significantly depending on the answer to these two questions.
Your remodeling contractor should be able to provide you with several options when you’re still in the planning stage. Once you have an idea of where you’d like to begin accessibility remodeling in Fort Worth, TX, here are some key starting points to consider.
In the bathroom
In all likelihood, your remodeling project will begin in the bathroom. This area poses a high risk for trips and falls. Even a small tumble can prove extremely problematic for someone with limited mobility. As a result, make sure standing surfaces have no-slip traction and add grip bars near the toilet for increased stability. Consider adding a walk-in shower, as well.
In the kitchen
As you might expect, renovations in the kitchen are all about making it easier to access food. If someone with limited mobility enjoys cooking, consider installing an island with a lower height. You can outfit it with a plug for small appliances and a sink to wash veggies and dishes. You should also make sure the major appliances like the fridge and oven have handles that cater to someone with diminished strength.
Throughout the house
Besides renovations to the kitchen and bathroom, you should focus on a handful of other changes to the rest of the home:
- Lower the height of light switches in every room.
- Expand the width of doorways, and add small ramps to allow wheelchair wheels to cross thresholds with ease.
- Add a chair lift to staircases.
Your local home improvement contractor can give you more information.
Start on your remodel
Need accessibility remodeling in Fort Worth, TX? Put your work in the hands of The RockAway Company. For more than 25 years, our team has provided impeccable commercial and residential contracting services. Regardless of your needs, our skilled team can handle it—guaranteed. Contact us today to find out more and arrange a consultation!
Categorised in: Home Remodeling